James Cook was the English explorer credited with the discovery of the Hawaiian Islands. Before he discovered the Sandwich Islands as they were first called he was sent on other voyages for the crown. His first voyage 1768-1771 was launched for the purpose of observing the planet Venus from the Southern Hemisphere. His second voyage was sent out to discover the “southern continent” due to our modern advantages like satellite photography it is clear that this place does not exist. Cook needless to say was unable to locate this continent; however he did discover the islands. On his third voyage he was given the task of establishing a naval jump point for the British Empire in the Pacific.
Hawaii and James Cook are closely because he is the first westerner to reach the island. He also originally had good contact with its native peoples. Because he was the first westerner to set foot on the islands, the colonization of them is due to his discovery.
Gary was a local charged with the duty of maintaining the monument to Cook. When the party happened upon Gary they thought he had been defacing it with spray paint.
He was actually cleaning off the defacement.
Gary’s feelings on Cook were ambiguous. He felt that the discovery and westernization of the islands was inevitable, however he felt (and rightly so) that the death of the captain was largely is own doing. He discussed in detail how the insensitivity to the culture led to Cook’s death. The feelings on Cooks death were also shared by the New England Churchman and Dibble.
I believe that Horiwitz’s purpose is to demonstrate that one not all islanders hate James Cook. Also that though these people are from two opposite spectrums they can agree on some aspects of circumstances.
Horowitz gives a good description of the events leading up to Cooks death, the irony of this of course is that Cook’s insensitivity to culture led to his death. The very man that stressed the importance to his crew of not polluting the culture, died for that very reason. Because he did not respect the power of a high chief the natives killed him. The strange circumstances refer to the fact that Cook always kept meticulous records; however there are no records for about the last week of his life.
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