Topic 3

What is culture? Culture can be defined as several like traits or ideas passed on from generations, these ideas vary due to location. Culture is how humans define themselves. It is the entity that makes humans deferent from other humans. Is there in validity to the claim that one day we will all share the exact same “Culture”. I highly doubt it. It is human nature to want to differ from others. Difference is what makes the world and interesting place. To think that billions of people will one day speak the same language or eat all the same food or have all the same religious ideas is not only unlikely but boring.

Prompt 18

The lecture over China V. United States can be compared to a Micheal Moore film. There were many interesting points brought to the table, however I found myself wondering what the basis for some of the statistics were. The section in the lecture over guns and violent crimes is a fine example. It was reported that the US had much higher rates of rape then in China. These of course are the reported cases. In America rape is a very serious offense and several programs and help groups are available for the public to utilize. I believe rape education may be much better in this country, and that many rape cases in China are unreported.

Topic 16

The restaurant was a great experience. Being a lover of food a.k.a. a fat kid I liked the idea that everyone shared what they ordered. Thanks to the visit to the restaurant I also know what a lazy Susan is and want one for my table. Although the cultural experience was good for me I can not stress enough how much I can not use chopsticks. I became frustrated and tried to bribe the waitress for a fork, which did not work. I was told later that my attempts to eat did serve as wonderful source of entertainment for the tables around us.

Topic 15

It seems that Chinatown was its own city within Hawaii. Most of the people were those of Asian decent. They spoke Chinese and the signs for businesses were also in Chinese. I felt that it was a very unique place however I had some reservations about it. I thought it neat that these people were trying to retain their original heritage; however I felt it a bit Un-American. Within these two city blocks I felt like a complete outsider, and I do not think that should be something felt by a person in his own country.

Topic 14

Prompt 14

The movie portrays hard work as the corner stone to a good life. Saving face and being honorable are also prevalent themes in this movie.

The Chinese idea of life is a cycle of good and bad that never ends. If events of life do not go your way you must continue on and hope that better times will come.

The family adapts to the changes and lives on, when things must change they change and they do the best that they can.

Topic 12

Prompt 12

The predominant aspect at particularly the Buddhist temple, was the importance of the elements. The location and construction was strategic in placement, especially with water and water life. Coy fish were dominant as well as rock gardens and surrounding scenery. The placement of the temple in a valley allowed the sound of the prayer bell to echo lending the idea that it could be herd all around.

The importance of nature is lacking in Christian worship. Because it is believed that God made the Earth it would be right to think that Christians would celebrate it more in their worship.

Topic 11

It can be called a Race War because it was a war of Japanese Imperialism. The war in the Pacific was driven by the notion that Japan must be the supreme power in the Pacific. Dower not only pins the race issue on the Japanese he also sites the use of internment camps in the US and the use of racist propaganda on both sides.

Americans as well as Japanese were present at the memorial, as well as many other people. I also saw children, students, adults, and seniors. The memorial touches everyone. Every person on this planet can relate to loss and I think that the memorial touches everyone there on a personal level.